Our T&P Series is developed for our Library faculty by our Library faculty. This annual training program runs each year from February-August and has offerings for our faculty at each stage of the tenure and promotion process at UF. These sessions are a great way to meet librarians across our branches and learn from their T&P efforts. See the training calendar for upcoming events https://libcal.uflib.ufl.edu/calendar/training.
Early Career
Session title | Month |
T&P Overview – Dean/Directors Expectations (Start here if you can) | February |
Faculty Evaluations | February |
Writing the Narratives | February |
Working with your Chair & Mentor | March |
Meet the T&P Committee | April |
Criterion 3: Service | May |
Criterion 2: Research, Scholarship & Creative Works | June |
Introduction to Metrics | June |
Mid-career Review Overview | August |
Packet Prep
Session title | month |
Preparing Your Packet | April |
UF Academic Affairs – annual live session | April |
Best Practices for Letters | June |
Introduction to UF’s online system | July |
Session Descriptions
Best Practices for Letters – This session highlights best practices for tenure and promotion (T&P) letters, including the process for soliciting letter writers, the basic number of internal/external letters, how to identify potential letter writers, and submitting requests for blind versus known letter writers.
Criterion 2: Research, Scholarship, and Creative works – Panelists share their experiences with scholarship and creative works across the library and at different stages of faculty careers. This includes scholarship and outcomes, solo author and co-authorship, grants, and non-traditional venues for creative works.
Criterion 3: Service – Panelists share tips on how to build a service portfolio, with an emphasis on the difference between a strong record of service and one of distinction. You will also learn about balancing committee work, both within the libraries and in the profession, and how to evaluate and select committees that are relevant to your work.
Faculty Evaluations – This session covers all the basics of the faculty performance evaluation cycle including the timeline and documentation requirements; criteria by which faculty are evaluated; the role of annual assignments and goals; and information on the 5 tier evaluation levels.
Introduction to Metrics – This session introduces metrics used to measure research impact and how librarians can incorporate metrics into their annual activity reports, CVs, and promotion packets.
Meet the T&P Committee – This session introduces faculty to members of the Library Tenure and Promotion committee and explains their role in supporting the T&P and mid-career processes. Library faculty going up for tenure or promotion gain insights into how the committee evaluates packets and how their reports are developed. Faculty preparing for a mid-career review will learn how to use committee feedback for a more successful tenure and promotion review. The panel will note misconceptions and common errors the committee notes each year.
Mid-Career Overview – An overview of the midterm review process, a discussion of packet preparation, and a question-and-answer session.
Preparing Your Packet – During this session we navigate through the latest T&P template packet and have an exchange of tips, dos and don’ts, and best practices with plenty of time for questions.
T&P overview: Dean and Director Expectations – This session provides insights into the tenure and promotion process, including critical dates and requirements, and a unique opportunity to ask questions of the tenure and promotion expectations from the Dean perspective.
UF Academic Affairs annual live session – This session covers the basics of the T&P process at UF, including updates you will need to address in your future T&P efforts.
UF’s Online Promotion and Tenure (OPT) System Introduction – Join this session to review the online system UF uses for faculty promotion and tenure.
Working with your Chair & Mentor – Join our panelists, a chair, mentor, and mentee, in a discussion concerning respective roles and experiences in supporting the tenure and promotion process.
Writing the Narratives – Narratives play a crucial part in the Smathers Libraries tenure and promotion process. They are a space for you to “make your case” in your own words and it’s important to make them count. Library faculty will share their experiences and insights on crafting narratives about services and research for both mid-career reviews and tenure packets.
Additional Resources for UF Faculty
Library T&P Committee LibGuide
UF online promotion and tenure (OPT) toolkit